Reservations Entered On Report

The Reservation Entered Report shows all of the reservations entered into the system for a specific date range.  This information can be tracked by user to know how much business each reservation agent/user is bringing in.  The Report can be shown in a detailed or summary form, may include cancellations if wished, and be shown by group/non-group members instead of by user if desired. By default the report is shown ordered by when the reservation was entered into Skyware, however it may instead be ordered by Arrival date, Guest Name or Rate Plan.

When generated, the report contains a large amount of information. The (default) detailed report form shows, for each reservation, the guest name and any address details entered, including telephone numbers, the Company/Group if the reservation is associated with one, the expected Arrival and Departure dates, the number of nights the reservation is for, the date the reservation was entered and the User ID used to enter the reservation, the status of the stay, the room type, the rate amount and the rate plan type, the room number, the number of adults, youths and children on the reservation, the Confirmation number for the reservation, and the guest type, segment and origin, if any. The summary form of the report is simpler, and shows the guest name (only), the associated Company/Group, the expected Arrival and Departure dates, the number of nights the reservation is for, the date the reservation was entered and the User ID used to enter the reservation, the status of the stay, the room type, the rate amount and the rate plan type, and the room number, but NOT the guest specific details (address, phone number, number of guests, guest type, segment, origin).

The Reservations Entered on Report command is found in the Room Reports section of the Reports Menu.



Date Updated December 16, 2021